(Thank Jim Buckley for his excellent archives)
1960 – Olympic Gold!
The Hoh screams across the finish to an Olympic Gold Medal. Stan Pocock built the boat with his father George and coached Lake Washington Rowing Club’s winning crew. Rat’s own John Collins was a Huskie crew member that year, under coach Al Ulbrickson
41 years later, the Hoh is spotted by Ted at the Everett Regatta. By now she’s just a tired old wooden boat looking for a home, and thanks to Ted and LWRC’s Sue Kinne, Lake Washington Rowing Club traded the Hoh for 6 chocolate donuts.

2001-2003 – Rowing, Racing, Repairing the Hoh
Over the next few years. the Rats row the Hoh as a quad, making repairs when needed, as when splits in the hull were discovered.

Steve Chapin in the single, Larry Dewey, Roger McPherson, Ted Shoulberg and Jim Buckley in the Hoh. Photo by Dan Depew.
In July 2004, the Hoh was damaged during a storm, when the crew had to head for shore for an emergency beaching.

2004 – Restoring the Hoh
Under the masterful eye of Steve Chapin, the Hoh is restored beyond its former glory by a cadre of rowing volunteers under the leadership of Ted Shoulberg who spent countless hours stripping, repairing, sanding and varnishing the shell.

Stan Pocock is so impressed with the Rats restoration efforts, he asks for the return of his boat, 45 years after he built it and coached the crew to Olympic Gold. Read the details here

A huge ceremony is performed at the 2005 Wooden Boat Festival, The Hoh is returned to its olympic rigging as an Italian 4 – a weird configuration where Cox and stroke have port oars – Middle pair are on Starboard – The Hoh is rowed one last time and taken ashore as the Rats proudly return this gold medal winner to its rightful place at the Pocock Foundation for all to enjoy.

2005 – OHO HOH!
In exchange for the Hoh, the club gets an 8 and two quads, the Lorna and the Oho, a sistership to the Hoh. (now known as the Frank C.) And the Rats go rowing!

2014 – Reunion of the Rats and the Hoh at HOTL
This Sunday, at Head of the Lake, the Hoh will be removed from her perch at the Pocock Rowing Center to be raced by the people who rescued her – master rowers and Ancient Mariners Jim Buckley, John Collins, (both Rats) and Dave Pratt, and Bill Cameron at Head of the Lake.
Ted masterminded the whole thing…Natch!

Evening Magazine cameo
The Hoh gets her 90 seconds of fame on Evening Magazine leading up to HOTL
Update: The Hoh came in fourth in the Mens Masters 4x E-I, but definitely first in style points as onlookers oohed and aahed at the only wooden shells in the HOTL regatta, the Hoh, the Riverside, the Frank C., the Oct, and Steve Chapin‘s single -all rowed by Rats! Just look at these guys go!

4: Bill Cameron – (Rat) 3: David Pratt – (Rat) 2: John Collins – (Rat) 1: Jim Buckley – (Rat) Photo courtesy Gary Beanland
Farewell Stan
Ted Shoulberg, who rescued the Hoh, selecting a white flower to cast over Stan Pocock’s ashes, which were strewn at the finish line in the Montlake Cut. 10 years ago, Stan and Ted stand next to a different wreath when Ted presented the restored Hoh to Stan.

Ted stands next to Ted Nash and his wife at Stan’s memorial in January 2015. Ted Nash was on the crew during the Hoh’s historic 1960 Olympic gold medal in Rome (second photo)

Ted Nash in 1960 (second from right) with the crew of the Hoh.

The only gold medal for USA at the Rome 1960 rowing games. Arthur Delancy Ayrault, Stanford ’60 Ted Allison Nash, U. Wash. ’61 Rusty Wailes, Yale ’58 John Sayre, U. Wash. ’60 *courtesy Ted Nash Rome 1960 4- Lake Albano Olympics Bow Dan Ayrault, 2 Ted Nash, 3 Rusty Wailes, Stroke John Sayre