Jim Buckley –
Thanks to the efforts of Ted Shoulberg the Lake Washington Rowing Club gave us two “rowable” wooden shells – the Husky Challenger and the Hoh. The Hoh was built by Stan Pocock, who also coached the Lake Washington crew to Olympic gold in 1960. Their success helped establish the then three year old Lake Washington Rowing Club. The Husky Challenger was a top line eight built in the 1940′s by George Pocock and won several national rowing events judging from the chevrons on the bow.
Letter from Pocock Rowing Foundation
As you well know there are fewer and fewer wood shells remaining in existence each year – especially those which carry the history of being a winning shell in the Olympics, and with the crew having been coached by George or Stan Pocock. Part of the mission of the Pocock Foundation is to preserve and display some of our rich Northwest rowing history – much of it revolving around the Pocock family.
It was a special time in Northwest and American rowing which we most likely won’t see matched again. The Hoh was built by Stan Pocock, and he also coached the crew that raced and won the Gold Medal in the 1960 Olympic four without coxswain event. Two members of that crew, Dan Ayrault and Rusty Wailes, were also instrumental in the formative years of the George Pocock Rowing Foundation and served as Board members.
We recognize that your use of the Hoh has meant much in helping start your Port Townsend rowing program, and that it has special meaning for those who have had the opportunity to row her. We also know that it took significant effort and resources for your membership to restore to the Hoh to its present functional rowing condition.

1960 U.S. Olympic Gold Medal Four – Lake Washington (J. Sayre/R. Wailes/T. Nash/A. Ayrault)
The Hoh is a “straight four” (without coxswain) that can also be rigged as a “quad” for sculling. According to Joe Sweeney from the Penn Athletic Club, “In the 1960 Olympics in Rome the US four without from Lake Washington with Art Ayrault, Ted Nash, John Sayer and Rich Wailes, won the straight four, coming from behind at the first 500 to win in 6:26 over Italy 6:28 and Russia 6:29.”

The only gold medal for USA at the Rome 1960 rowing games. Arthur Delancy Ayrault, Stanford ’60 Ted Allison Nash, U. Wash. ’61. Rusty Wailes, Yale ’58 John Sayre, U. Wash. ’60 *courtesy Ted Nash
Solid Gold The 2004 Olympic Gold medal winners, seated in the 1960 Olympic Gold Medal-winning shell – the Hoh . Standing on the dock is Stan Pocock who built the shell with his legendary father George. Stan was also the coach of the 1960 Olympic Gold crew.

Photo courtesy of Diane Roberts