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Wooden Boat Festival 2019

Francine Rose

Updated: Dec 1, 2022

Although the Wooden Boat regatta is an annual event, this year felt a little different.

I noticed lots of new faces who are quickly developing skillz…  And the missing faces of  veteran rowers who are off  to the Budapest World Masters…  The only constant were the boats, who have seen their fair share of crew changes in their lifetimes.

Congratulations to the winners and a big thank you to all who honor these magnificent shells by keeping them where they belong – on the race course. I know I am leaving people out but a big thank you to Bill M. for taking the helm this year…and many thanks to Steve Chapin, Kathleen and John, to Deborah, Kristin and Otto, Jim M, Roger, Dave S. and countless others from launch drivers to registration takers to boat repairers and everyone who pitches in to make this a fun event.

And thank you Debra Feinman for capturing it all with your artistic eye. All photos on this page are courtesy of Debra… For the full gallery of her race photos, go here

For Janet L’s photos, go here    For her video go here Photos by Linda J, Kirsten F, and Dave S are here

STAN POCOCK  Micaela (bow), Kirstin F, Paul C, Dylan 19:52 

INCISOR Steve Chapin 20:56

MENAGE A TROIS Paul N (bow), Ted, Noah 21:32 

FRANK CUNNINGHAM Bill D (bow), Karen B, Dave W, Amy 22:22 

HUSKY CHALLENGER  Penny (cox) Heather, ZoeAnn, Sue O., Sandra, Nikki, Christine, Dianne, Barb H.  23:05

KATHY WHITMAN  Julie V. (cox), Karen M, Holly, Barbara, Corine, Linda J, Kristin S, Brooke, Mary F  23:42

ERICA S Francine (bow), Toni 27:46 

RISTRETTO Jim M, Clara (bow). 28:52

TRIPLE BYPASS Jeanne (bow), Jim B, Don C,  31:36 

SUIATTLE Youngest gun award goes to (LWRC) Tyler Peterson’s son, Nate.  They took fifth overall in their Pocock double,  22:25. Nice form!

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