Historic Heat Roasts Pacific Northwest, said the Washington Post headline. On the day of the festival however, Old Man Sol took a break and delivered the usual fare of wind, rain, clouds and cooler temps – weather our wooden boats take to like ducks to water.
Congratulations to all the winners, and thank you to all who came together to organize this event PLUS the extra treat at the end (scroll down for the answer)

Janet and her mermaid doppelganger (photo by Toni Davison)

Steve and Incisor taking line honors yet again.
WINNERS Sliding Seats:
Single: Incisor Steve Chapin 23:29.65 Triple: Menage a Trois, Paul Carter, Ted Shoulberg, Larry Dewey, 25:02.12 Quad: Stan P, Karen M, Laura , Mary F, Jeanne C, 25:30.06 2nd place, Frank C, Janet, Heidi, Marciana, Linda D., 26:08.57

Buckley and Rhayne with the Ristretto
Sweep 8: Husky Challenger, The Nails, 27:01.02 Double: Ristretto, Jim Buckley & Rhayne Bates, 29:25.76 Single Wherry: Merry Wherry, Paul Guillien, 28:16.02 Double Wherry: Barbara Goss, Janice Mason & Ian Graeme, 26:19.29 2nd place: Erica S, Jim & Clara M., 28:22.82 3rd place Beluga Michele and Steve,, 29:41.18 4th place: Festina Lente Frank W and Liz, , 30:04.41

The newly christened Stan P. finished ahead of his longtime buddy, the Frank C.
Fixed Seats: Pedal Boat: Ouler, 28:45.81 SUP: Dean Bunce, 33:43.15 SUP w/Sliding seat: York Johnson, 35:43.81 Four Oar Gig: Island Star, 41:34.84 Long Boats: Townsend, 42:33.11

Flash Mob Band on the Martha (Photo by Lynn Sorensen)
Club visionary Ted Shoulberg staged a fun event after the race. A surprise Flash Mob to serenade the parade of wooden shells that rowed into Point Hudson Marina.
I’ll let him tell the story: The wind was blowing from the Soutwest at 15mph The big 8s left first to row from the Maritime center to the Point Hudson Harbor and then the Quads followed in water so rough that the RIRSC would never go out the boats took on water but the Shooow must go on The unexpected Brass Band was waiting on the Martha and as soon as we entered the Harbor the Band began to Play 200 ft of spectacular wooden Pocock rowing shell. The band beckoned us into the Harbor where we turned the shells on there axis and we performed the lay down wave. The crowd roared there approval as deftly turned the boats around in a very small harbor. After the Band played we exited the Harbor and took on more water but made it home safely.

The Oct seen from the bow sprit of the Martha (photo by Susi Feller)