This one’s for our own pilot Ed Kirkpatrick who donated the Riverside to our club and graciously agreed to renaming her the Stan Pocock.
Stan Pocock Way Enough p. 155
Ted Nash was a glutton for punishment – After coming in from his daily workout in the four, he would take out his single for a second workout.
Nash was on active duty with the U.S. Army. He flew one of those super-powered propeller jobs that the army used as spotter planes. Those pilots were the kind who were taught to fly under the trees rather than over them. ..
Early one Sunday morning, I was out with the crews on Lake Washington. I caught sight of a small plane off in the distance. As the plane neared us I could see its U.S. Army markings. Suddenly, it zoomed up, flipped over and dove down to fly over us about twenty feet off the water. It had to be Ted. Climbing straight up and over, he came by again, this time upside down. As he passed over he dropped a weighted message with a red scarf tied to it. We fished it out. Basically, the message read, “Get motors”…
The next day I learned that the university phones had been ringing off the hook with calls from irate citizens..
I told Ted that I thought it was a stupid and reckless thing for him to have done. The army would hear about it. He might be kicked out or moved elsewhere, and I did not want to lose him. He said not to worry. The army processed such complaints continually and always managed to lose them. Pilots who flew those planes were expected to be crazy. Some days after this, he tried to persuade me to go up with him. Knowing him as I did and suspecting what he wanted to do to me, I declined his offer, telling him that I was a certified, card-carrying coward and as such would prefer to stay earthbound.
Ted Nash was in 2 seat when Stan’s Lake Washington Rowing Club crew won gold in the 1960 Olympics in Lake Albano Rome – the shell was the historic straight four, turned quad – The HOH went on to become a big part of Rat Island Rowing’s history.
Check out that shoulder squeeze! Bow Dan Ayrault, 2 Ted Nash, 3 Rusty Wailes, Stroke John Sayre

Ted Nash is second from Right

Ted Nash with Ted Shoulberg at Stan’s Memorial