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Our Wooden Boat Festival Scrapbook 2014

Francine Rose

Updated: Sep 21, 2023

Rats were asked…Any one-or-two liners about your best (or worst) WBF memory? Thanks to all of you for your good answers.

For more excellent photos from the sharp eye of Mike Sweeney, with technical help from our Flickr/Vimeo czar John Sailer – Thumb through the full scrapbook and download pictures. More albums here, here and here. (and here and here). Joel Rogers’ excellent photos here 

ann we

Ann with Ancient Mariners Buckley and Dave Pratt. Photo courtesy Mike Sweeney

Rowing the triple with the “Ancient Mariners”

– Ann We


Our Pococks (and Stampfil) gleaming in the sun. Photo courtesy Katie Franco

Cloudless sky, all of our wooden boats lined up on the beach, so many rowers wearing their colors, such a spirit of camaraderie and cooperation, the excitement of having Daniel James Brown in attendance…… it all made for an especially memorable Wooden Boat Festival experience



US! Photo courtesy Mike Sweeney

Fantastic day!!! Thanks to all who made it possible Steve Chapin who worked with Sally but had to leave Saturday morning, Jim Mason for ensuring the boats were ready to go, Jim and Bonnie Buckley for hosting the party, The Nails for deep cleaning the boathouse and helping us carry out the boats, all of the docents for welcoming visitors, Karsten and Lucie for making signs and banners, Roger and Lou Deal for launching, Sally not only organized and ran the event, she made pizza dough for the party! Ted and Marsha for their excellent work putting the crews together and a special thanks to Ted for bringing the star of the show Daniel James Brown….and for giving him a Lawrence Welk moment with the bubble machine

Tuff as Nails with Dan and Rootin Tootin Coxswain Penny Jensen. Photo Courtesy Mike Sweeney

Tuff as Nails with Dan and Rootin, Tootin, Coxswain Penny Jensen

Photo Courtesy Mike Sweeney

We were an event. We should be proud of the good job we did which is what we do every day just to make it our sport happen. But we do it in an unique way which is our evolution , and ,as it progress the rest of the world seems to have noticed what is in our mission statement of old. Crafting our experiment of governing, rowing, partying and 7 mile rows for coffee and donuts, thats not enough, we have thrown in Daniel Brown and the Texas cow girl.Bubble machines Cannons PA systems Giant signs little signs and to the surprise of even ourselves alot of beautiful boats. How would we know that what we love to do is what is in his book accept, we took that story and created a modern version of the passion and added a bunch of old people. The eldest being 80 who was thrown in a tippy triple and then went into a rip so strong it pulled them backwards.( Them being a 74 old man and a 70year old women) I am sure the rest of you had experience that you will remember. By bringing in the media I wanted our story to be told to everyone….. you all made that day. We threw him into our story he trusted you all and me to play the day away with him. Having him and Judy Rantz in the boat and then having him at Jims . Thanks to all of you for making my extraordinary day your day.


Dan Brown

The Rats’ official “Ninth Man” David James Brown.

Photo courtesy Katie Franco

Those who organized all the elements of putting on the race, and all the related activities, did an outstanding job.  The enthusiasm, energy, cooperation, and camaraderie among all who participated was electric.  Everybody helping everybody carry boats, getting in and out of the water, setting up and taking down, welcoming the public to the boathouse, the rowing club, and to our guest of honor, Dan Brown, made for a memorable day.  And the competitive gusto of all rowing in the race was a great experience.


ancient mariners

Jim and Ann in the Stampfli Triple

Photo courtesy Mike Sweeney

The rowing part of the WBF couldn’t have been better. Ted, Sally, Marsha and others did a superb job of directing – got everyone who wanted to race in a boat – seven wooden racing shells plus the two wherries in all. The restored Frank C. won the race.  The Nails, dressed to the nines, were second  in the restored Husky Challenger.
Ted arranged for professional photographers to film the whole event including Dan Brown and Judy Rantz rowing!
And then we all had a great pizza party with Sally and Jim Costello making pizza, Buckley managing the oven and many rowers contributing food and drink. Topping it off we awarded Jim Mason the Chapin trophy for the person(s) who did the most in the last year to preserve and promote the Pocock rowing tradition.
All in all it was a festive and wonderful weekend.

-Jim Buckley


Daniel James Brown tries on John Collins’ old Husky Crew shirt

Photo courtesy Ann Weinmann

Watching Dan Brown handle the heat, the chaos, the posing and the crowds with grace, good humor and infinitely more patience than I possess!



Dan and Connie share a moment

Photo courtesy Ann Weinmann

Worst 1-2 liner: Kathleen saying to “way’nough and hold water” and then ” take rate and power down” during the beginning of the WBF race. 

-Cate C.

Best 1-2 liner: Kathleen saying to “power up” after we rounded tetrahedron bouy, and then saying “you are closing on the Nails” as we got near the end of the race.

-Cate C.

Frank C.

Frank Cunningham was obviously smiling down on his quad the Frank C. …They took First Overall!!

Photo courtesy Michele Olsen

Something specific to my race experience or the overall experience?  (which I am still glowing in…what a weekend!).


Congratulations to Karsten Figueroa (s), Jeanne Costello, Michele Olsen and Steve Jeffries (c) for an outstanding job to finish first overall in the beautifully restored Frank C.

The original Frank Cunningham was smiling.


Karsten giving the thumbs up! Jeanne C., Michele O., Steve J (c)

Photo Courtesy Karsten Figueroa

Video of Frank C. powering across the finish line courtesy Karsten Figueroa

Full results – Thanks Sally G!

Short course:

12:36:08  Hari Heath, Kayak

14:04:54 90/90 David (he is the guy that makes our Wooden medallions)single wherry

14:13:62 “Eliza Harper”  Martin ?

14:40:66 “Otter’s Tale” 4 Oar Gig

15:32:49 Peter Kasburg, single Wherry

15:34:55 Jim Maupin, Paddle board

Long course:

23:01:12 “Frank C.” Quad, Steve J, Karsten, Jeanne, Michele

23:22:62 “Husky Challenger” Eight, Tuff as Nails

23:55:16 “Sweet 16” Oct, Kathleen, Cate, Janet, Martha, Johanna, Nikki, Merilee, Linda J., Trish

24:06:89 “Quinault” Eight, Laurie, John, Larry, Katie, Sandy, Connie, Linda D., Matt Kelly,guest, Libby

26:06:43 “Riverside” Quad, Jim M., Patricia, Marsha, Don.

26:24:44 “MW2” Double Wherry

28:41:06 “ Ristretto” Double, Ted, Jill A.

30:55:81 “Ocean Sole” Single Wherry

31:37:05 Triple, Jim B., Ann W., David Pratt,guest

32:46:29 “Erica S.” Double Wherry Francine, Toni

33:41:98 Single Wherry Tim Lawson

37:28:68 “Bear” Longboat

42:35:13 Single Wherry  Art Wilson

43:38:76 “Kent Welcker Lively” 4 Oar Gig

47:45:62 “Townshend” Longboat

33:21:63, Non registered Steven Pigmy

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