We snuck this one in just under the wire during a week of gale warnings. Loading the boats was interesting as the small craft advisory was apparently for loading boats on trailers too.
The forecast went from 25kt down to 20, 15, and finally 10kts of wind for Sunday November 8. But in case we forgot it was November, a deluge of rain (not drizzle) reminded us.

Katie . (S), Michele, Marsha and Jeanne (C.) in the Riverside
The rain did nothing to dampen our spirits and congratulations to all. Mark Miller (single) and later Steve and Buckley (double) all ribboned for third place (woohoo!!). The rest of us settled for a job well done and exceeding our personal bests.

Peggy M. braving it in the Frank C.
Men’s Masters 1x S. Chapin raw time 25:30.348 adjusted time 24:44.268
Men’s Masters 1x M. Miller raw time 26:15.829 adjusted time 26:15.829
Women’s Masters 8+ N. Russell raw time 27:46.339 adjusted time 28:46.339
Men’s Masters 4x S. Jeffries raw time 25:23.269 adjusted time 24:05.029
Mixed Masters 4x D. Harris raw time 24:57.444 adjusted time 24:51.684
Woment’s Masters 4x S. Giesler raw time 24:16.201 adjusted time 24:16.201
Women’s Masters 4x K. Franco raw time 26:26.152 adjusted time 25:37.912
Men’s Masters 2x S. Chapin raw time 25:49.875 adjusted time 25:19.155
Thank you to everyone and their families who rigged, derigged, drove, organized, carried, filled in during practice, or just got soaked cheering us on and taking pictures. It was great fun!
Also, you can see Joel Rogers’ professional photos here

Sadly, the only pic of the Dose – everyone’s heads were turned. Ted (C) Mary F, Kathleen and Dr. David (S.)

Nikki R. (S.) Erica D. (C.) and the real Kathy Lazarra Whitman

Post race lunch at Portage Bay Cafe
The newly restored Kathy Lazara Whitman Pocock Oct (as an 8+) going through the Montlake Cut