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Flip Test Sunday Aug. 17

Janet Palmer

Updated: Jan 16, 2023

by Janet Palmer

After Jim and Sandy’s adventure this week, there’s lots of chatter about what happens when a rower and/or a boat roll over and a rower ends up in the water. This weekend we will set up a practice experience on Sunday in the marina in front of the Cupola House and you can try it for yourself. There is an old gravel boat ramp where there is no boat traffic and the water just might be a little warmer. John has offered his single and we’ll have the launch ready with safety equipment and any rower who wants, can try rolling out of a boat and climbing back into the shell. This isn’t a requirement but if you want to find out if you can do it, please come. Anyone who rows a single should practice this skill.

Sunday, August 17 Old ramp at Cupola House, Marina 1pm til we’re done Wear rowing clothes Bring towel and a change of warm clothes

Eight people are currently signed up – taken in the order of sign up. Time your arrival to allow 5-10 minutes per person and of course, additional rowers are still welcome.

If you just want to try the ladder into the launch (without the roll from the single) that’s fine, too.

Contact Janet Palmer to sign up/ask questions (see Club Roster under “Biz”)

Meanwhile -check out these videos

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